{\b Colours Demonstration} \pard Within topics is is possible to change the colour of text. To change the colour of text it must be surrounded by the appropriate RTF commands. Using the mouse, highlight some text and then select the {\b Text/Colour} menu option to obtain the {\b Color} dialog. Select the colour required and press 'Ok'. Example Topic Text: This text is \'7B\\cf1 Black\'7D {\cf1 Black} This text is \'7B\\cf2 Blue\'7D {\cf2 Blue} This text is \'7B\\cf3 Red\'7D {\cf3 Red} This text is \'7B\\cf4 Magenta\'7D {\cf4 Magenta} This text is \'7B\\cf5 Green\'7D {\cf5 Green} This text is \'7B\\cf6 Cyan\'7D {\cf6 Cyan} This text is \'7B\\cf7 Yellow\'7D {\cf7 Yellow} This text is \'7B\\cf8 White\'7D {\cf8 White} Note that white appears black when the background colour is white.